Customer Experience Management Training Course
What is Customer Experience Management?
Firms aim their concentrated efforts on enhancing customer’s experience not only before and during the sale but also after the sale is completed. This allows them to position as a customer-driven organization within the mind of their customers. The positive approach elevates loyalty in customers hence resulting in repeat business. This process of keeping customers at the focal point of business, managing customer dealings and delivering them personalized relevant experience is coined as customer experience management.
How does the company look to the customer? How do customers perceive the products in comparison to its competitors? How can negative feedback be rectified? What are the best customer retention strategies? How positive customer experience can be generated?
How to create customer journey maps? What kind of loyalty programs can be initiated? These are a few of the many challenges the management team faces while trying to mull over best practices that would build up customer satisfaction and ensure retention of customers by offering them remarkable experience and thus creating a positive impression of the brand. Businesses that are active in customer experience management extract the long-term benefits of customer retention through increased revenue and goodwill.
This Customer Experience Management Training Course acts as a guiding apparatus for professionals and managers looking to convert their customers into the most valuable asset of the company. This course provides insight into key concepts of customer experience management and related aspects.
Participants shall be able to appreciate the relevance of customer experience and gain an understanding of how personalized experience can could customers’ loyalty and result in customer retention. The course aims to highlight various tactics, communication skills, practices and strategies fruitful in cultivating the best customer experience. The course will ultimately lead the participants towards procuring maximum value from customers.
On successful completion of Customer Experience Management Certification Training Course, participants shall be able to:
- Understand core concepts of customer experience management and its practicality in the business arena
- Understand the relevance of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the growth of business
- Gain a competitive advantage in the market through the differentiated experience of customers
- Increase retention of customers hence resulting in repeat business
- Gain knowledge of best techniques and practices most suited for framing personalized experience for customers
- Connect customers emotionally to the brand
- Boost sales and thereby increasing growth of the business
- Reducing cost related to customer acquisition through increased customer retention
- Develop brand preference within the existing customer base
This collaborative Customer Experience Management Training Course will comprise the following training methods:
- Interactive Sessions
- Case Studies
- Problem Solving Exercises
- Group Discussions
- Management Games
- Role Playing/Role Modelling
- Presentations
Upon successful completion of the course participants shall benefit at a personal level in the following manner:
- Developing a dynamic skill set that will greatly promote better dealing with customers through research into customer needs
- Identifying and applying best practices used in reinforcing positive customer experience
- Efficiently devising a customer journey map and delivering value throughout the journey of the customer
- Improving communication skills
- Efficiently learning to use customer analytics, maintaining customer profile, etc.
- Upon successful completion of the Customer Experience
- Management Course, participants shall benefit their organization in the following ways:
- Provide their organization with managers skilled at customer handling
- Personalizing customer interactions and maintain customer profiles
- Realizing that customers are a great source of value for the organization hence creating value for them can result in deriving maximum value from them for the business
- Use customer data and analytics to manage customer interactions
- Utilizing best strategies to develop most suited customer loyalty programs
- Becoming more cost-efficient as customer retention is more economical than customer acquisition
- Increasing profits through enhanced sales stemming from better customer experience management
- Differentiating the organization from competitors through customer experience
- Senior Marketing Managers/Marketing Heads
- Customer Relationship Managers/Relationship
- Managers
- Sales Professionals, Salesperson
- Sales Analysts
- Start-up Founders, Entrepreneurs
Module 1. Understanding Basics of Customer Experience Management (CEM)
Module 2. Customer Experience
Module 3. Customer Journey Mapping
Module 4. Customer Experience Research Methods
Module 5. Customer Experience Strategy
Module 6. Role of Innovation in Customer Experience
Module 7. Challenges in Customer Experience
Module 8. Use of Communication Channels and Social Networks in Experience Building
Alur Pelatihan
Have any questions?
Customer Experience Management (CXM) adalah strategi bisnis yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan, loyalitas, dan advokasi pelanggan. CXM menggabungkan metodologi, proses dan teknologi untuk memastikan pengalaman positif pelanggan di setiap titik kontak.
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- Bisa kita Reschedule sesuai Request dari kaka nih dengan pilihan tanggal yg kami berikan
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Setiap berakhirnya pelatihan maka akan ada 2 jenis ujian yaitu :
– Ujian dari internal yang sertifikasinya dikeluarkan oleh JICSI
– Ujian yang Certified oleh CSEAI
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Pembayaran dapat dilakukan melalui Rekening Bank BCA, A.N PT. JICSI Nusantara Jaya dengan No.rek 277-8292-888 dan sertakan bukti TF nya ya kaka.
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Kaka bisa mengikuti pelatihan di Jakarta
Messege from President JICSI
Sekitar 20 tahun yang lalu sebelum JAKARTA INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE INSTITUTE (JICSI) didirikan, saya memperkirakan bahwa peran Customer Service semakin dibutuhkan. Saya yakin betul bahwa Customer Service tidak hanya ditampilkan sebagai frontliner akan tetapi di semua lini organisasi dan akan menjadi inti dari strategi dan tujuan perusahaan. Nyatanya tahun demi tahun berlalu semakin jelas bahwa peran Customer Service dalam suatu organisasi samakin berkembang dan semakin dibutuhkan.
Jika sebelumnya organisasi pemenang dikatakan sebagai organisasi yang mampu memberikan kualitas produk yang premium dengan harga murah telah cukup menjadi senjata pamungkas suatu organisasi untuk mendapatkan pelanggan sebanyak-banyaknya dengan harapan meningkatkan profit atau keuntungan. Tapi tunggu dulu, sekarang jaman telah berubah. Ekspektasi pelanggan pun berubah, harga murah dan kualitas premium belum cukup di mata pelanggan.
Harapan pelanggan terhadap layanan tidak akan pernah konstan. Nah di sinilah inti dari pentingnya pelatihan-pelatihan customer service yang selalu Up-date bagi perusahaan, sehingga muncul lah konsep baru yang terkait dengan layanan seperti Customer Oriented, Journey Oriented, Customer Centric, Experience Oriented, dan Experience Centric. Akan banyak strategi-strategi baru yang berpusat pada customer.
Bagaimana dengan karir Customer service kedepannya?
Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi di masyarakat saat ini, maka perkembangan karir customer service juga akan lebih dinamis. Posisi puncak di organisasi akan diminati oleh para pemilik bisnis dengan latar belakang Customer Service karena mereka menyadari bahwa jantung dari suatu perusahaan adalah pelanggan itu sendiri.
Oleh karena itu JAKARTA INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE INSTITUTE (JICSI) telah mengantisipasi setiap pergerakan dan arah keinginan pelanggan saat ini, sehingga mempermudah bagi perusahaan untuk memetakan strategi bisnis ke depan dan mampu merebut hati pelanggan sebanyak-banyaknya melalui persiapan pelatihan yang dikemas sesuai dengan tuntutan pelanggan
Saya Rudyanto HP Manullang Ph.D selaku CEO & Founder JAKARTA INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE INSTITUTE (JICSI), mengajak teman-teman untuk mewujudkan pelayanan pelanggan yang terdepan, untuk menjadi perusahaan pemenang di tengah persaingan yang super ketat ini.
Salam perubahan
Rudyanto HP Manullang, Ph.D