Jakarta International Customer Service Institute (JICSI)

Magdalena Etika

JC-Web Designer

Web Designer Job Summary Web Designers are responsible for designing and building the interface, navigation and aesthetic of websites for businesses and clients. Likely working in the IT team of an organisation or for a digital design agency that services clients, Web Designers should possess a range of skills and qualities. A Web Designer job […]

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JC-System Analyst

System Analyst Job Summary System Analysts are responsible for maintaining and improving computer systems for an organisation and its clients. This IT role is growing in popularity and demand as organisations increasingly move operations, processes and communication online. System Analysts are often required to work outside standard hours to oversee upgrades or fixes, ensuring there

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JC-Security Engineer

Security Engineer Job Summary Faced with an ever-increasing cyber-security threat, organisations need to maintain a vigilant approach to protect their systems and data, and Security Engineers play a key role in this process. Security Engineers can be responsible for a number of functions associated with IT security – from ensuring the security of software, through

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JC-Program Manager

Program Manager Job Summary Similar to the role of Project Manager, a Program Manager is responsible for designing, coordinating and improving the internal and external programs of an organisation. Program Managers work across a range of industries to deliver programs that align to the organisation’s strategic vision. When writing a Program Manager job description, consider

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JC-IT Manager

IT Manager Job Summary With technology playing an increasingly important role in the development and success of modern businesses, it’s critical that IT teams are highly skilled and capable. Qualities such as accountability, crisis management and an ability to prioritise are essential to great IT Managers. To secure the best candidate, an IT Manager job

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JC-Software Engineer

Software Engineer Job Summary The business environment relies heavily on software for many functions – from automated traffic control systems to complex manufacturing processes, and Software Engineers are pivotal in the development of software that provides real solutions. A Software Engineer needs to address the entire software development lifecycle – to analyse the needs, and

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JC-Security Architect

Security Architect Job Summary A Security Architect is responsible for designing, building, testing and implementing security systems within an organisation’s IT network. A Security Architect is expected to have a thorough understanding of complex IT systems and stay up to date with the latest security standards, systems and authentication protocols, as well as best practice

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JC-Network Engineer

Network Engineer Job Summary Network Engineers are responsible for designing, implementing, monitoring and managing the local and wide area networks of an organisation to ensure maximum uptime for users. The role can include designing system configurations, documenting and managing the installation of a new network, and maintaining and upgrading existing systems as necessary. Responsibilities: Network

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JC-Data Analyst

Data Analyst Job Summary A Data Analyst interprets data and turns it into information which can offer ways to improve a business, thus affecting business decisions. Data Analysts gather information from various sources and interpret patterns and trends – as such a Data Analyst job description should highlight the analytical nature of the role. Once

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JC-Software Developer

Software Developer Job Summary A Java, C#, .Net, C, Sybase and Oracle Software Developer is generally responsible for the development, design and implementation of new or modified software products or ongoing business projects. Typically sitting within the IT team of a business, a Software Developer will be involved in liaising with the Business Analysts and

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