Customer Service For Internal Organization

Richard Branson quoted, “Take care of your employees, and they will take care
of your business”. What he really meant was to engage with your internal customers and keep them happy in order to engage the workforce and get
the business going.
Communication and Collaboration are the key ingredients of getting the task done well in an organization. When you are looking for outstanding workplace culture, internal customer service is the thing to look at. A productive
environment to work in an enjoyable workplace is driven by none other than
the effective internal customer service.
Why is Internal Customer Service important? It is said, treat them the way
you would like them to treat you. What matters is the respect and kindness
which is shown to the others that creates an environment of trust and cause positive results as a team. The customer satisfaction index that we wish to
achieve with our external clients can only happen if the internal customers
are happy and fulfilled.
If you were wondering why is the attrition rate high? Maybe this is the time to go and check with your internal customers, how they would like to be treated differently? People spend most of their time at work and it’s known as a second home. It is now that we need to take a pause and check for clarity. This training course will empower you with the opportunity to develop and enhance the internal customer service skills of going the extra mile which is critical for the internal customer.
- Know the importance of internal customer service
- Deliver good internal customer service and create better relationship
- Have a better environment to work together
- Have a collaborative approach
- Have reduced complaints and ego hassles with other members
- Assertively communicate and create a win-win situation
Create happy internal customers in the organization
This collaborative Customer Service Training Program will comprise of the following training methods :
- Presentations
- Roleplays
- Group Discussions
- Lectures & Seminar Method
- Assignments
- Activities
- Polls
- Surveys
- Whiteboard interaction
- Case Studies & Functional Exercises
An individual can benefit from this program in various ways only out of their willingness and participation. Individuals who participate in this Basic Customer Service Training Program can gain from it in the following ways:
- Create collaboration and teamwork within the teams
- Ensure communication is effective and concepts are explained with great clarity
- Have the employees interact with compassion and empathy
- Learn to be proactive towards other requirements and support each other
- Support the team members to understand the importance of their internal customer
- Understand how impactful it is to work with a dissatisfied internal customer
- Decide how quickly the profits can increase when there is right communication, teamwork and collaboration in teams
- Build a win-win within the teams
Organizations wanting to make their customers feel special and important should look at nominating their employees for this program. Companies who nominate their employees to participate in this Basic Customer Service Program can benefit in the following ways:
- Learn the value of respect and compassion for peers and self
- Develop communication skills and assertiveness
- Proactively complete tasks and support peers
- Get task completed within the deadline with the support of team members
- Have team members say a yes-yes immediately to work with you
- To give constructive feedback and empathise with team members
- Learn ways for exceptional internal customer service which is based on interdepartmental communication and cooperation
- Understand the barriers to customer service and effectively work with internal customers
This Internal Customer Service Training Program would be suitable for anyone who is interested in working towards enhancing productivity and growth. This program helps you to create a win-win in the organization and have team members work together in collaboration with cooperation. If you are someone who interacts with other individuals in the organization and share work goals, then this program is definitely for you. We all share goals, tasks, timelines, and this workshop will help you to get your tasks accomplished amiably. So, it doesn’t matter if you are from HR, IT, Finance or Marketing or work in the capacity of an individual contributor. You will always need to interact with your team or other teams to get a task done as we do not work in isolation.
Module 1. Know the Internal Customer and internal customer service
Module 2. Internal Customer Service Values
Module 3. Listening Skills: Generate Empathy
Module 4. Communication Skills
Module 5. Handling emotions
Module 6. Agree to disagree amiably
Module 7. Body Language – Non-Verbal Communication
Module 8. Responsibility and Responsiveness
Module 9. : Handling Complaints
Alur Pelatihan





Have any questions?
Layanan pelanggan internal mengacu pada tim dukungan yang saling memberikan dukungan untuk menciptakan pengalaman pelanggan sebaik mungkin. Pelanggan sering kali tidak melihat apa yang terjadi selama proses layanan pelanggan internal karena banyak pekerjaan yang dilakukan di balik layar.
Pasti dong kak!! Internal Customer Service telah memiliki sertifikasi yang sah dari JICSI yang berlaku untuk seluruh Indonesia. Jadi dijamin aman ya kak.
Membutuhkan waktu 2 hari (2 x 8 jam)
Mimin bantu jawab ya! jadi gini kak akan ada 2 kemungkinan yaitu :
- Bisa kita Reschedule sesuai Request dari kaka nih dengan pilihan tanggal yg kami berikan
- Bisa dibatalkan dan itu kembali lagi dari keputusan kakak lanjut atau tidaknya ya
Adapun biaya pendaftaran Internal Customer Service yaitu :
Bisa mendaftar melalui online yang sudah tersedia di button apply ya kak
Setiap berakhirnya pelatihan maka akan ada 2 jenis ujian yaitu :
– Ujian dari internal yang sertifikasinya dikeluarkan oleh JICSI
– Ujian yang Certified oleh CSEAI
Jadwalnya sesuai dengan kesepakatan bersama dan jam pelatihan itu dimulai dari jam 08.00 s.d 17.00 ya kak
Pembayaran dapat dilakukan melalui Rekening Bank BCA, A.N PT. JICSI Nusantara Jaya dengan No.rek 277-8292-888 dan sertakan bukti TF nya ya kaka.
Customer service akan memberitahukan kaka jika lulus atau tidak ya
Kaka akan mendapat informasi dari customer service jika sudah berhasil mendaftar
Jika kaka sakit jadwal pelatihan tidak dapat diubah.
Mohon kaka menghubungi kembali whatsapp JICSI di nomor 0858833833383, agar dapat perbaikan data yang salah ya.
Diakhir Pelatihan JICSI akan mengadakan ujian, jika tidak lulus ujian 3 kali, maka kami tidak bisa mengeluarkan Sertifikat seperti yang diharapkan
Hari Rabu & Kamis | 26 & 27 Februari 2025
Kaka bisa mengikuti pelatihan di Jakarta, Palembang, Medan, Surabaya
Messege from President JICSI
Sekitar 20 tahun yang lalu sebelum JAKARTA INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE INSTITUTE (JICSI) didirikan, saya memperkirakan bahwa peran Customer Service semakin dibutuhkan. Saya yakin betul bahwa Customer Service tidak hanya ditampilkan sebagai frontliner akan tetapi di semua lini organisasi dan akan menjadi inti dari strategi dan tujuan perusahaan. Nyatanya tahun demi tahun berlalu semakin jelas bahwa peran Customer Service dalam suatu organisasi samakin berkembang dan semakin dibutuhkan.
Jika sebelumnya organisasi pemenang dikatakan sebagai organisasi yang mampu memberikan kualitas produk yang premium dengan harga murah telah cukup menjadi senjata pamungkas suatu organisasi untuk mendapatkan pelanggan sebanyak-banyaknya dengan harapan meningkatkan profit atau keuntungan. Tapi tunggu dulu, sekarang jaman telah berubah. Ekspektasi pelanggan pun berubah, harga murah dan kualitas premium belum cukup di mata pelanggan.
Harapan pelanggan terhadap layanan tidak akan pernah konstan. Nah di sinilah inti dari pentingnya pelatihan-pelatihan customer service yang selalu Up-date bagi perusahaan, sehingga muncul lah konsep baru yang terkait dengan layanan seperti Customer Oriented, Journey Oriented, Customer Centric, Experience Oriented, dan Experience Centric. Akan banyak strategi-strategi baru yang berpusat pada customer.
Bagaimana dengan karir Customer service kedepannya?
Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi di masyarakat saat ini, maka perkembangan karir customer service juga akan lebih dinamis. Posisi puncak di organisasi akan diminati oleh para pemilik bisnis dengan latar belakang Customer Service karena mereka menyadari bahwa jantung dari suatu perusahaan adalah pelanggan itu sendiri.
Oleh karena itu JAKARTA INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE INSTITUTE (JICSI) telah mengantisipasi setiap pergerakan dan arah keinginan pelanggan saat ini, sehingga mempermudah bagi perusahaan untuk memetakan strategi bisnis ke depan dan mampu merebut hati pelanggan sebanyak-banyaknya melalui persiapan pelatihan yang dikemas sesuai dengan tuntutan pelanggan
Saya Rudyanto HP Manullang Ph.D selaku CEO & Founder JAKARTA INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE INSTITUTE (JICSI), mengajak teman-teman untuk mewujudkan pelayanan pelanggan yang terdepan, untuk menjadi perusahaan pemenang di tengah persaingan yang super ketat ini.
Salam perubahan
Rudyanto HP Manullang, Ph.D
